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First Artwork in the Collaboration

Gumnuts and a Spider - WIP 4 © Kylie Fogarty

Gumnuts and a Spider - WIP 4 © Kylie Fogarty

“Gumnuts and a Spider”

I am really enjoying  being a part of this collaboration.

My biggest frustration has been the amount of time it has taken me to create each piece, not wanting to force anything but to allow the previous work, “Spiderweb” © Anna Warren (You can read about it here: to inspire and speak to my additional piece.

As an attempt to capture the silkiness of the web I used graphite instead of the usual pen, leaving darker areas where the web had caught various elements of the environment.

As the gumnuts appeared I began to get the feeling they needed an additional element, when a little spider popped up onto my drawing table.

Whether it was the gumnuts that had her intrigued or not, once sighted, it was only fitting to include her. After all, Anna had provided such gorgeous and intricate work in her piece, I imagine this little spider would have had much fun amongst it all.

I have an image of my little spider humming along to herself as she swings under, over and through these gumnuts.

I look forward to adding my next work to Karen’s gorgeous work. I already have the story in my mind, and this time it will be in colour.

In the meantime, you can check out what both Karen ( and Anna ( have been creating on their websites.

Make sure you check back soon for an update on the next book, have a great week everyone! ~ K