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ATO Instant Asset Write-Off 2020

Stringybark Study 1 by Kylie Fogarty, styled by .BDA Interiors Canberra

Stringybark Study 1 by Kylie Fogarty, styled by .BDA Interiors Canberra

Its a great time to buy art for your office space right now.

Are you eligible to adorn your workplace walls with new art to admire and be eligible for the 2020 Australian ATO Instant Tax write-off?

You can find more information about this here below

If you hold an ABN, you can claim works of art for your workplace walls at tax time.

The ATO have updated the threshold for the instant asset write-offs for eligible businesses.

Just pop over to the website above or speak with your accountant to learn more.

So if you have been eyeing off an artwork, now is the time! You can speak to any of my Galleries or contact me direct to add a some fresh art to your working space today.

Image: Stringybark Study 1, Mixed Media on Paper, Styled by .BDA Interiors, Available.

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